
Human Resources Fax Number: 
(562) 944-6901
What to Know Before Considering Retirement (Classified): 
Confidentiality Agreement (Must be filled out and submitted to HR annually)
Family and Medical Leave Act Documents
Employee Evaluation Forms 
CDE Educator Evaluation System
California Standards for the Teaching Profession (CSTP)
Commission on Teaching Credentialing (CTC)
When renewing a credential, you must select Los Angeles County as your county of employment or your renewal will not register with LACOE/SWSD.
Substitute Timesheet
Open the link below, make a copy (File>Make Copy), fill out and share with your supervisor and payroll for signature and processing. (Signatures of both the employee and supervisor are required for processing. You may sign this document electronically by typing your name in the signature field).
Classified Vacation Request
College Credit Form
Voluntary Transfer Form
Parent Letter 
Uniform Complaint Procedures
FERPA, HIPAA + Confidentiality Training
Worker's Compensation 
PPR Workflow Process