In the months of April and May all students throughout the district who are in 3rd through 8th grade participate in Smarter Balanced Summative Assessments to evaluate their English language arts, literacy and math.

The tests are part of the  California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress System, or better known as CAASPP, and are one element of information that helps teachers, parents, and the student understand how well the student is meeting their grade level’s expectations.

The Smarter Balanced Summative Assessment tests will be taken in April and May. The English language arts and math tests will not be taken on the same day. The tests will include critical thinking and problem solving questions. These assessments are not timed, so students will have plenty of time to complete their tests.

Each school will be sending out their testing schedule this upcoming week. If you are a parent of a SWSD student, please watch for that letter and know that you are welcome to talk to your student’s teacher or principal for more information about the test.

More information about the Smarter Balanced Summative Assessments you can visit: