SWSD Seeks LCAP Input Through Third LCAP Partner Meeting

South Whittier School District held their third LCAP input meeting on Tuesday, January 23, at the district office to engage with community stakeholders regarding input on the development of the LCAP.


The district has been hosting these meetings and has invited families, staff and community members to attend the partners meetings to provide input on the development of the Local Control Accountability Plan, or LCAP. The LCAP is a cycle that repeats every three years and provides direction on how funds are utilized to support student achievement. In developing this plan for the new cycle, the district is holding multiple meetings to give stakeholders the opportunity to provide input as they believe educator partner input is essential to the process.


During this meeting the Associate Superintendent of Educational Services, Dr. Rebecca Rodiriguez, the Director of Assessment, Accountability, and Parent Engagement, Dr. Reanna Mendoza, and Director of Special Education & Students Services, Diana Huizar, presented a quick overview of the past two meetings, they then went on to share that the third meeting would be an overview of collected input and prioritizing actions.


Presenters posted posters on the walls categorized by each LCAP goal and the actions and services associated with that goal. Each attendee was given twenty-five blue stickers and were asked to place those stickers under each action that was most important to them. Attendees were also given the opportunity to add actions that were not on the current list that they believed were a priority.


After all attendees had the opportunity to prioritize actions, presenters held an open discussion regarding which actions resonated with attendees the most, and which actions and services received the most votes. 


This was the third of four meetings that the district will hold for partner input. After all meetings have taken place, the district will present a plan to the board in the summer of 2024.


For information of the previous meetings, please visit: https://www.swhittier.k12.ca.us/apps/news/article/1847331