Carmela Elementary Receives Free Yoobi School Supplies

Carmela Elementary received free donated Yoobi school supplies at an assembly Friday, January 19, as a part of the Yoobi Give’s campaign, One for You, One for Me.


At Carmela’s Character Assembly the Chief Giving Ambassador from Yoobi, Justin, surprised the students and shared about their mission of buy one, give one and told them they would be receiving free school supplies. He then asked students to be creative and think about ‘Who Will Yoobi?’ in terms of their character. Encouraging students to think about how they can grow up and inspire themselves, and others, to change the world.


“We were honored to have been selected to welcome Justin and his Yoobi team to Carmela,” interim principal, Allison Nakamura, said.”Yoobi played a huge role in teaching our scholars gratitude, one of our character traits, and what it means to give back to the community once they are successful.”


After the assembly was over Justin visited classrooms to personally give students the donated supplies. Each student received a Yoobi folder and pencil box that was filled with crayons, pencils, sharpeners, colored pencils, glue sticks, and more.


After passing out the donations students were able to use their new supplies and color pages that were given by Yoobi that said, “Color Your World.” Justin then read a letter to teachers thanking them for what they do, sharing that 99% of teachers use part of their own money to get supplies for their classrooms.Their organization’s belief is inspired by this statistic.


“We think that school supplies should be available to every child in every classroom, and teachers should not have to spend their hard-earned money to make that happen. To address this, Yoobi keeps a simple promise – for every Yoobi item you buy, a Yoobi item is donated to a classroom in need, right here in the U.S.* Since we launched, we’ve donated school supplies to more than 3 million kids.”


Nakamura stated, “Yoobi’s commitment to philanthropy made a huge impact on Carmela, and we look forward to a lasting relationship with them.”