South Whittier School District held its monthly board meeting on Tuesday, January 21, in-person in the district board room and virtually via Google Meet.
The Board and attendees heard four presentations. A Graves Middle School Academic Achievement Report, California School Dashboard update, 2023-2024 financial audit report, and the 2023-2024 BOND Measure QS audit report.
PRESENTATION: Graves Middle School Student & Academic Achievement Report
Graves Middle School Principal, Jason Hernandez, and Vice Principal, Myra Torres, gave a presentation regarding GMS’ academic achievement.
They shared the GMS CAASPP data comparing the data from 2023 to 2024 and showing the growth that has taken place. They reviewed data regarding English Language Arts, math, suspension rate, chronic absentee, and English Learner progress. Each category reported growth with English Learner progress displaying substantial growth with a 14.3% increase in their results.
After this presentation, Mr. Hernandez honored 31 students who have been reclassified. Reclassification is when an English Learner meets specific rigorous criteria to be classified as Reclassified Fluent English Proficient. These students displayed English proficiency, demonstrate basic skills through various testing programs, receive teacher recommendations, and parent consultation.
Congratulations, students!
PRESENTATION: California School Dashboard Update
Director of Assessment, Accountably, and Parent Engagement, Dr. Reanna Mendoza, gave a presentation regarding the District’s CAASPP score data.
The data she shared was comparative data from 2023 to 2024. She shared the local and state indicators and how the public can access this data. She then presented data results regarding English Language Arts, math, English Learner progress, chronic absenteeism, and conditions and climate. The District saw positive growth in every area evaluated with significant growth in English Learner progress.
PRESENTATION: 2023-2024 Financial Audit Report
A representative from Christy White, an independent auditor, gave a presentation regarding the District’s audit for the fiscal year that ended on June 30, 2024.
The auditors conduct the audit in two phases. The first is interim, which includes planning, risk assessment, internal controls, and state and federal compliance. The second is year-end financial statements. The auditors provide opinions in three areas which include financial statements, federal compliance, and state compliance.
The auditors shared that they offered a unmodified opinion, meaning all financial statements and compliance regulations were in accordance with all accounting principals.
PRESENTATION: 2023-2024 Measure QS Bond Audit Report
A representative from CWDL gave a presentation regarding the Bond Measure QS financial and performance audit.
This report was for the fiscal year ending on June 30, 2024. The auditor’s report was an unmodified opinion meaning the District has properly accounted for the expenditures and funds held in the Measure QS, Bond Construction Funds and that such expenditures were made on authorized bond projects.
The District will host their next monthly board meeting on Tuesday, February 18, in-person and via Google Meet.