SWSD Celebrates Read Across America Week

South Whittier School District celebrated Read Across America week from February 26 through March 1 by holding various events all week long to celebrate and highlight the importance and joy of reading.


Read Across America is held the week of March 2, Dr. Seuss’ birthday. It’s an annual celebration that is recognized countrywide. To celebrate Read Across America, schools held spirit days that allowed students to dress up. Some spirit days included pajama day, sunglasses day, crazy sock day, and even dress up as your favorite Dr. Seuss character day!


In addition to fun spirit days, elementary schools throughout the district invited community members, SWSD board members, parents, and professionals to come visit classes and read a book to them. Some readers included SWSD superintendent, Dr. Gary Gonzales, SWSD board members, Jan Baird and Sylvia Macias, various SWSD district cabinet members, Think Together staff, a LA County Sheriff, and many others!


Readers brought their favorite books to read to students. The books they chose often were books they remember reading with their parents as young children, books that inspired them, or books related to their careers. After reading their chosen story, they spoke with students about the importance of reading, their profession, and what education and training were required to get them where they are today. They also allowed students to ask questions.