SWSD February Board Meeting Recap

South Whittier School District held their monthly board meeting on Tuesday, February 20, both in-person and via Zoom.


At this meeting, attendees heard the Spelling Bee winners' recognition and an LCAP Mid-Year Update presentation.


Spelling Bee Award Recognition


The board recognized South Whittier School District’s 2024 Spelling Bee winners. 


1st Place; Leah Guillen, Carmela, 4th Grade

2nd Place: Aiden Lopez, Los Altos, 5th Grade

3rd Place: Lyra Galindo, Los Altos, 4th Grade


Board members shared words of congratulations to the top three winners as well as all participants. They expressed their gratitude to teachers and staff who work with these students diligently on reading and writing. 


Dr. Gonzalez shared, “I want to thank all the teachers that work with our students every single day reading and writing. Those are skills that create huge dividends in their future academics and careers. It’s a great skill.”


The first place winner, Leah Guillen, will represent SWSD at LACOE spelling which will be held on March 20, 2024. 



LCAP Mid-Year Update Presentation


Attendees and the board heard a presentation from Associate Superintendent of Educational Services, Dr. Rebecca Rodriguez, regarding the mid-year LCAP update.


The presentation gave all available mid-year expenditure and implementation data and outcome data related to metrics identified in the current LCAP. During the presentation, Dr. Rodriguez shared that since it is mid-year some action items were in progress and not yet complete. She shared each goal in the current LCAP as well as the action and service items relevant to each goal. She showed a table that displayed all action items showing which were in progress and which were complete.


Along with the action items, the presentation shared data collected through various platforms such as the California Dashboard which shared data regarding student academic progress, and the California Healthy Kids Survey, which includes data regarding culture, climate, and engagement. 


The district will hold their next board meeting on Tuesday, March 5, at the district office and via Zoom.