South Whittier School District hosted a DELAC, or District English Learner Advisory Committee, meeting on Wednesday, January 17, to share with families and community members their ELA California Dashboard data and EL Master Plan.
This meeting was hosted via Zoom and the presentation was led by Associate Superintendent of Educational Services, Dr. Rebecca Rodriguez. The purpose of this meeting was to ensure that South Whittier School District and families work together to ensure the success of English Language Learners.
During the presentation, Dr. Rodriguez gave attendees an overview of the California Dashboard in regard to South Whittier’s ELA data. The California Dashboard is an online tool designed to help communities across the state access easy-to-read reports that display performance information for K–12 schools and districts across the state.
Dr. Rodriguez shared that South Whittier serves more English Learners than any other district in our area and even more than most areas in our county. With that in mind, she shared that the district takes responding to the ELA California Dashboard data as a high priority and focus.
In response to the data, the district has incorporated a variety of strategies and enrichment to continue working towards English Language proficiency and reclassification of students through their EL Master Plan. The purpose of the EL Master Plan is to provide a framework of instruction for English Learners and to acquaint their teachers, administrators, and parents with federal, state, and district policies as well as programs, resources, and staff/parent development opportunities. This plan includes ELPI data chat sessions, designated ELD, developing signature practices for integrated ELD, and implementing Language Power.
Lastly, Dr. Rodriguez shared how the district monitors student progress and the criteria for EL student reclassification. Student progress is monitored through ongoing meetings and data chats, and multiple assessments. The reclassification criteria for students includes evaluating their English Language proficiency, teacher evaluations, parent consultation, and monitoring and evaluating basic skills relative to English-proficient students.