SWSD Families Graduate from Parent University

South Whittier School District families who participated in the eight-week Parent University course graduated from their program on Thursday, November 16th. 


South Whittier School District partnered with the Parent Education for Student Achievement Foundation to host Parent University, a program that consisted of a variety of parent educational workshops.


This eight-week program took place at Graves Middle School. The workshops covered a variety of beneficial and informative topics including bullying and cyber bullying prevention, cyber safety, vaping, and strengthening positive childhood behavior, how to communicate with your child, how to help your child prepare for career readiness, and the importance of setting academic goals to achieve success.


Each instructional workshop was designed to help parents be informed and discuss how to help their child succeed in their academic journey. Workshops were interactive and included time for Q & A and discussion. 


The Parent Education for Student Achievement Foundation’s mission is to “help families thrive by empowering parents with quality education and community resources to help their children thrive and reach their full potential and address disparities in student achievement, college readiness, and increase the number of students who graduate from a college or university.” With this mission in mind these workshops have a goal of creating a community where families take an active role in the education of their children.


Congratulations, to all our participants!