Recommended Preventative Actions Regarding Mosquitos

South Whittier School District would like to share a reminder from the Director of the County of Los Angeles Public Health about recommended preventative actions regarding mosquitos.


The County of Los Angeles Public Health is sharing their campaign “It’s Not Just A Bite” with the Los Angles County community. Their campaign highlights the importance of not dismissing mosquitos as just annoying but understanding that they can pose a health risk.


Mosquitos can spread dangerous and sometimes deadly infections like West Nile virus. Each year hundreds of people in Los Angeles County become infected with West Nile Virus. West Nile Virus can cause a variety of severe diseases. The most severe illnesses occur in persons over 50 years of age or those who have health problems. While not all mosquitos carry the virus, mosquitos with the virus are found throughout Los Angles County. 


The County of Los Angeles Public Health and South Whittier School District urge people to:

  • Use Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) registered mosquito spray, wipes, or lotion when outside.
  • Keep mosquitos out of your home. Maintain your door and window screens in good condition.
  • Check for items that hold water once a week. Cover, clean, and cast out (throw away) items that can breed mosquitos.


We encourage our community to take action to reduce the chance of mosquito-borne diseases. Additional materials also are available and can be obtained from Public Health online at: