McKibben 5th Graders Get Hands-On Learning About Sea Life

Howard J. McKibben Elementary 5th grade class got a visit from the Aquarium of the Pacific on Wednesday, August 21, to learn about sea life, adaptations, and participate in hands-on experiences.


An Aquarium of the Pacific marine biologist came to talk to students about different sea life and their adaptations. The marine biologist talked to students about what adaptations are and the reasons why each sea animal has unique adaptations for their specific environment.


Students were then able to move to different stations to make observations about each group of animals and their similar adaptations. There was a table with sea life that all had fur as their adaptation, another had sharp teeth, some had shells, and some had flippers. While going around to each station they were able to see and touch real artifacts including a shark jaw.


After students learned about sea life and their adaptations they were able to experience the Aquarium of Wheels. Students were able to take turns to see and touch sea urchins, star fish, and even small sharks. While they were observing and touching the sea life, another marine biologist from the aquarium was there with them teaching them about each animal and it’s adaptations. 


All the lessons that the marine biologists from the aquarium went over with students all meet California Science and Common Core standards for their grade level.