SWSD May Board Meeting Recap

South Whittier School District held their monthly board meeting in-person and via Zoom on Tuesday, May 16, in the district board room.


Attendees got to hear three presentations. They heard a Project Lead the Way and Capturing Kids Hearts award recognition, Los Altos Student Achievement presentation, and the 2023-2028 Strategic Arts Plan presentation.


Loma Vista Elementary Project Lead the Way & Capturing Kids Hearts Award Recognition


Loma Vista Elementary was recognized as a Project Lead the Way distinguished school. This recognition honors schools committed to increasing student access, engagement, and achievement in the PLTW programs.


Studies show that students decide as early as elementary school whether they like, and think

they’re good at math and science. Whether designing a car safety belt or building digital

animations based on their own short stories, PLTW Launch students engage in critical and

creative thinking, build teamwork skills, and develop a passion for and confidence in STEM



Loma Vista was also recognized as a Capturing Kids Hearts National Demonstration School. This award recognizes schools producing exemplary outcomes using the Capturing Kids’ Hearts® Process. Award winners demonstrate a high level of performance and a positive culture and climate for learning.


For the 2022-2023 school year, the Capturing Kid’s Hearts National Showcase Schools® Award was granted to 468 school campuses across the United States.


Los Altos Student Achievement Presentation


Los Altos principal, Genevieve Silebi, gave a student achievement report. 


Ms. Silebi began by giving attendees an overview of Los Altos. She shared the demographic of students and classrooms. She then addressed Los Alto’s attendance and chronic absentee data. After providing data she shared with the board their monitoring site plan.


Silebi shared student CAASPP data for both math and ELA. She then talked about the three different tiers of support that they have implemented to assure student support and achievement. This includes CGI and AVID labs, writers workshop, and purposeful play. She also talked about the different programs that are utilized in learning and progress monitoring. English Learners also receive additional support the included designated ELD time and differentiated instruction.


Lastly, the presentation shared about the behavior/social emotional support that is in place for all students. This includes monthly PBIS meetings, spirit assemblies, Catering Kids Hearts, lunch time activities, ASB, and more.


2023-2028 Strategic Arts Plan Presentation


Director of Assessment, Accountability and Parent Engagement, Dr. Reanna Mendoza, and MTSS Instructional Specialist, Dr. Cheyenne Ramirez, shared the South Whittier School District Arts Plan.


The South Whittier team is working with LA County’s Arts Education Collective. In 2002, the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors established the Arts Education Collective with the goal to align efforts so students receive a well-rounded education that includes the arts. The aim is to establish an equitable and inclusive planning process for districts to build a strong foundation for trust, efficacy, sustainability, and success.


During the presentation they shared about past and upcoming meetings that discuss shared vision, current status, goals and objectives, strategic direction and measurable outcomes, and priorities and actions. They also shared their practical vision that includes collaborative parent and community engagement, inclusive and integrated arts curriculum, professional development, and much more.


Lastly, the presentation shared details regarding strategic directions that include goals and measurable outcomes and LCAP alignment.



The next monthly board meeting will be held on Tuesday, June 13, in-person and via Zoom in the district board room.