SWSD Participates in HOT Conference

South Whittier School District participated in this year’s HOT Conference that took place on Saturday, October 1, at Whittier Union High School District. The conference focused on the needs of English Learners in the areas of academic success, social and emotional learning, financial aid for college, career technical education, and much more.


The HOT Conference is an annual conference that is open to all Whittier area school districts. This year South Whittier had 18 parents attend the conference. The conference included workshops that focus on families with students in K through 12. These workshops include academic support, college preparation, financial planning and parent engagement opportunities.


The HOT organization is a nonprofit that focuses on providing information and access to critically needed services to residents in the Whittier area. 


HOT’s missions is “to improve the quality of life for residents in the community through programs that promote education, health, economic development, financial literacy and the cultural arts.”


Learn more about the HOT Conference here: https://www.hotoutreach.org