SWSD Schools Prepare For 6th Grade Science Camp

South Whittier School District schools are beginning to prepare for the 6th grade Science Camp in April as they begin hosting fundraisers and parent meetings in preparation. Carmela Elementary and McKibben Elementary have both begun hosting events to support this outdoor science experience.


Carmela Elementary held a Family Bingo Night on Friday, December 13, in their school cafeteria as a Science Camp fundraiser. This event was a fun family event with food for purchase, and a flat rate to participate in the bingo games. Bingo winners received prizes and all the proceeds from the night went to the Science Camp fund.


McKibben Elementary held a parent meeting on Wednesday, January 8, at their school. This meeting was held to help parents know what to expect as well as walk them through the registration process.


Mr. Lasoya, McKibben Elementary’s 6th grade teacher, hosted the meeting. He shared about Thousand Pines Science Camp and what kind of activities students will be experiencing there. He gave parents and guardians all the information they need to know including how they can help their students be prepared. 


Parents received information about the weather, hiking, and items students should take with them. The meeting also went over the camp’s behavioral expectations and discipline policy. Lastly, Mr. Lasoya gave parents the website link where they need to register their student and walked attendees through the registration process. He also showed parents where they can change the registration setting so their forms are translated to Spanish.


Students will be attending their Science Camp in April after spring break.